Get To Know Us

Your Health and Wellness Friend

Health Lifestyle Change is a unique collaborative health and wellness center which operates as a mobile center. We offer health and wellness coaching through the use of  Natural Remedies which require an amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give. At Health Lifestyle Change, we dedicate ourselves to offer the best of our time and effort, making it an enjoyable experience to see you recover in the process.

Our skilled practitioners offer expert advice and care. They work together to provide a range of services that can help you achieve optimal health. We strive to assist you and your family in achieving a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Company Overview

The foundation of all health is in the acceptance of the blessings which the Creator has provided for us. Foremost of these is the privilege we have of choosing our Saviour to be our Guide as well as our Great Physician. In fact, the divine purpose of our physical healing is to make us more inclined to accept the spiritual healing Christ longs to perform upon our hearts.

What We Do

A Brief Description Of Our Services

We provide professional health talks and wellness seminars to churches and organisations in our community.

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The major killers of our generation–heart disease, cancer, and stroke–have a dramatically lower incidence among people consuming primarily plant-based diets.

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Isn’t it just amazing that the closer we look at God’s Plan, the better it gets!

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Eat Well. Live Well.

Staying fit is not only about exercise, it’s about an entire lifestyle change.

Death is mostly E-A-T. And Satan “overcame Adam and Eve upon appetite.” For through “indulgence of appetite” Satan can control our “minds and being.” If a person conquers appetite he will have the “moral power to gain the victory over EVERY other temptation of Satan” . Inasmuch as “food” is a constant temptation right from birth, appetite is a very wonderful training tool. The baby’s mother should present only a strict vegetarian diet (other than actual breast feeding), training the child to continually exercise self-control, remembering that it’s character is formed and it’s destiny determined by the CHOICES it makes.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health as thy soul prospereth.”

3 John 2:1

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”

Genesis 3:18